Growing Spiritually
ldquoWhen I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.rdquo (1 Corinthians 13:11 NIV) We can all r

The Importance of Going to Church Lies in the Bible
Have you ever heard someone say ldquoI don't need to go to church to be a Christianrdquo? Maybe you've said this yourself. While it is certainly true that we are saved by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross

Finding Enjoyment in Reading the Bible
According to a recent report released by the American Bible Society and Barna Group, almost one in four Americans are reading their Bibles more frequently than they had been a year ago. That's good ne

Seeking God Before Seeking Wisdom
For many of us, the easiest part of praying is asking God for the things that we need. We might pray for patience, for healing, or a solution to our financial struggles. And it is right that we pray f

Should We Still Read the Old Testament?
The Old Testament is a library of books that tell of God's rich and deep history with mankind. It begins at the beginning and tells us the story of creation. God gives us a clear revelation of Himself

Dealing with Anger as a Christian
God has gifted us with an array of many deep and impactful emotions, one of which is anger. Some Christians believe anger is a sin, and while many forms of anger are sin, there are many other legitima

How Can You Know God’s Voice?
There are times in our lives when we wonder if we've heard God's voice. However, we need to be careful and discern things correctly. Sometimes what we believe is of the Lord can be our own inner voice
Are you looking for a stronger relationship with the Lord? Are you missing inspiration in your life? Thrillly.com has the encouragement and knowledge that you need to grow your connection to God and solidify your faith. Coming soon, we will have content ranging from biblical teachings to popular verses, Thrillly.com will soon have all of your Christian needs covered.
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