Virgo Zodiac Sign: Learn about Virgo Meaning and Traits
Myth: Virgo is the sign of harvest and associated with the myth of Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, who was abducted and taken to the underworld by Hades.
Virgo Meaning and Traits
Pragmatic to a fault, Virgo pays so much attention to detail that they can sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture. They tend to stay in the background, doing what they see as their duty to the best of their ability. On the surface Virgo can seem self-centered, but they also have considerable charm and dignity.
Virgo has a reputation for being fastidious and conservative. While this can be true, their approach is born from the Virgo tendency to analyse everything. Intellectually enquiring, they appreciate hearing different points of view and will change what they think if you’re convincing enough.
Virgo Love and Relationship
Highly considerate Virgo doesn’t like surprises when it comes to relationships. They try hard to do the right thing but being romantic doesn’t come naturally to them. Flattery won’t impress Virgo – they have very high standards and would rather be alone than in a bad relationship. When they feel comfortable in a relationship, Virgo can be incredibly giving and generous.
Virgo Finance and Wealth
Virgos tend to know exactly how much money they have at any given moment and worry that it might not be enough. They can stretch what they have an incredibly long way as they hate waste and their needs are modest. Their bills are always paid on time – if not early, However, a fear of debt and can make them forget that money can sometimes be spent on the fun things in life.
Virgo seeks to serve and they take a logical and methodical approach to work, keeping note of every little detail. They know just how to behave in any situation and will lend a helping hand when it’s needed. They conscientious approach, coupled with a desire to get everything right, means they get good results and can always see possible improvements in any situation. Always sensible, Virgo is great to have around in a crisis.
Advice for Virgo
If you’re a Virgo, your challenge is to not allow your worrying to get out of hand and to be prepared to accept that life is often less than perfect.
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